One hundred and one days. Pandemic 101: The intro course. You’d think that some states would have learned from the experiences of the northeast, but they have clearly not. While my heart goes out to these states that are suffering, part of me is completely enraged at just how fucking stupid and selfish people are. I do draw that line of “You Deserve This,” because no one deserves this, but a big fat “Told You So” might be in order. May the heavens help us all.

It’s been a while since I have written. We are not so isolated anymore, toeing the lines that we once dared not cross. We go out a little more often and see a few more friends here and there. I have out about 1,000 miles on the pick-up in the past 2 weeks with work and leisure travel. I am currently clacking away to you from my parent’s house out on Long Island. They are selling their home of 40 years (!) and Gonzalo, my Step-daughter Sofia, and I are here for a long weekend of packing up memories into boxes.

I have been so tired lately. Nine o’clock in the morning comes earlier and earlier every day and I just feel so heavy. Like a thousand tons. I woke up this morning to the song of baby birds. There is a nest above the front door. I may have mentioned this in an earlier post. There are now about 4 or 5 babies in the nest, all screaming with a hunger for worms, bugs, and attention. Two doting parents try to attack every time I go near the window or leave/enter the house. I can’t get a good shot of the babies, but I’ll keep trying so you can enjoy a glimpse of life at work. It makes me so happy that another little family is growing and thriving here.

Twenty years ago yesterday, I graduated High School. I can still smell the freshly cut grass of the football field on that hot day. Today was Sofia’s Middle School graduation. It was over zoom. I have a renewed appreciation for teachers. They worked so hard to make this special for the 8th graders at the School of the Future. I had to work so I could not be with the kiddo and her parents, but I cheered and cried a little in my makeshift office at my parent’s dining room table. Sofi and Gonza are joining me tonight and we are gonna have a little celebration for her achievement: Ice cream for dinner, Pizza Friday for dessert.

Working from my parent’s kitchen reminds me of those hot hot summer nights when I was a kid. I would stay up all night listening to Sarah McLachlan on my Discman while doing jigsaw puzzles at the dining room table. I am not sure if I have ever told any other person that little bit of information about me, but I am preparing for a nostalgic weekend and all of these little things are coming back to me. I used to think it was kind of pathetic for a teenager to be doing that on summer nights, but in hindsight, it was something I wanted to do. I enjoyed it. I made me smarter – more peaceful. And as outgoing as I am, I am also a homebody.

I threw this 1994 album on the Youtube this afternoon. I hope you enjoy.

Stay safe my dear friends.

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